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老友記第四季The One With The Dirty Girl



那么,謝謝你這頓美味的晚餐 不客氣 嘿,你們看什么呢? 羅斯和世界上最漂亮的姑娘 對,到爸爸這兒來 我知道! 也許只有一次,不過我會一直這么說但是你注意她的屁股了么? 你從哪兒,你什么時候,你怎么... 你怎么把這樣的姑娘搞到手的? 對,她是不是,比如車展模特,或者健身教練什么的? 實(shí)際上她是古生物學(xué)博士,中古時期專業(yè) 好的,這聽起來象...最簡單的領(lǐng)域 我和她在工作上認(rèn)識,但我一直考慮...嗯哼? 我請了她晚飯,我們在一起很愉快. 我們約好明天一起出去 也許只是她和她的朋友比賽誰能帶回來最滑稽的小丑 再好不過了.希望她會贏. 嗨,你們有包裝紙么? 是為了我的生日禮物么? 菲比,你的生日好象在一個月以前 好的,但是你應(yīng)該記得, 你答應(yīng)過安排一些特別的, 但是現(xiàn)在還沒有出現(xiàn)過 好的,我正在準(zhǔn)備這個 好. 實(shí)際上,這是為凱茜的生日準(zhǔn)備的. 這是她最喜歡的書的的早期版本 哦,《絨毛兔子》!我的天, 男孩的愛會把它變成真兔子! 好的,但不要碰它, 你手指上有油. 呵,好,那你最好拿它離羅斯的頭發(fā)遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn) 這應(yīng)該非常罕見.你怎么弄到的? 哦,不算什么大事.我只是去幾家書店, 問幾個書商... 打電話給作者的孫子. 哦,親愛的,這真是甜蜜. 對,一個偉大的方法去表明, "我暗戀你,室友的女朋友!" 這不代表這個意思,對么? 你會怎么看?看起來你送她的禮物難以置信,意味深長 而且價(jià)值不菲, 而她的男朋友喬伊可能只送她一個橘子 好,我只是確認(rèn)一下, 喬伊?xí)退玫臇|西 會比這本書好...喔,就象弓! 對,我再次說聲抱歉,謝謝.再見. 我剛回掉了一件工作, 給一個60人的葬禮提供飲食 天啊!出什么事了死那么多人? 來了60個客人. 那么,呃,為什么你推掉這件工作? 因?yàn)槲覜]有錢,也沒有設(shè)備在這么短的時間里準(zhǔn)備這么多的東西. 我是說,這不可能. 喔,怎么全都否定了? 你聽起來象是"莫妮卡什么都不行", 而不是那個"莫妮卡什么都行"... ...莫妮卡.你看, 你已經(jīng)做承包宴會這樣的工作大約3年了 你想成為宴會承包商么? 我不知道. 對,就是這樣,精神起來! 好的,如果你現(xiàn)在需要錢, 我會借給你,不過你要立刻行動! 真的?因?yàn)槿渴澄?設(shè)備和原料需要大約500美元. 好!值得一做,如果干了這次, 你失業(yè)幾個月了 是啊,你也沒工作啊 是啊,但是我可以放債 啊,太好了,謝謝你. - 嗨! - 嗨. 我能借你公寓的鑰匙么? 為什么? 你可以在這尿! 啊哈哈哈...哈哈..我可以, 當(dāng)然,不好意思. 沒問題,鴨子也經(jīng)常用我們的洗手間 嗨喬!你為凱茜的生日準(zhǔn)備了什么? 我們剛約會了幾個星期, 你真認(rèn)為我應(yīng)該送她東西? 對! 是的,你應(yīng)該送她東西, 送她非常好的東西. - 哦,我知道了... - 而且不是一小時"與喬伊做愛"的優(yōu)待券 哦,猜字游戲!要我?guī)兔? 不!對不起,親愛的, 上個星期我就只差3個答案了, 而且我非常想自己完成它. 好,但是你也不能幫我開發(fā)新的世界語. - 嗨! - 嗨, 怎么樣了? 天啊,這一定是有史以來最好的葬禮! 所有人都喜歡這些食物,而且你猜怎么樣? 我承包了明天的另一個葬禮-- 今天那個死鬼的最好朋友的. 我是說,這件事讓我看上去象是職業(yè)葬禮承辦商! 莫!我真為你高興! 謝謝.看看我的新設(shè)備. 看這個!我是個煎蛋卷站! 煎蛋卷?按秩序來! 我也點(diǎn)一份,還有我的錢. 哦.好的,我覺得你不是立刻需要它. 我是說,你叫我當(dāng)個宴會承包商. 所以我做了,我的意思是... 我...我把它們都花了,買了這些. 但是,你看,我已經(jīng)找到了明天的工作, 那么我可以把明天掙到的錢還給你. - 哦.好的.哦,不好意思, 我表現(xiàn)的象個銀行. - 沒事. 哦... 哦,想不想進(jìn)去? 直立人用木頭工具狩獵么? 根據(jù)最新的發(fā)現(xiàn)! 過來米茲!過來米茲! 哦...米茲是..... 我的老鼠.希望她沒事, 我有段時間沒看到她了,坐. 哦...哦嘿,你,哦 你有沒有肉桂吐絲? 什么? 好的,我有!為什么咱們不去我那兒, 點(diǎn)上幾根蠟燭,打開一盒肉桂吐絲,嗯 我寧可不去. 哦,為什么不? 好的,你別太在意, 你房間里有一股怪味 哦,東西都裝上車了? 對,你整理好帳單了? 沒有.我恨這部分工作. 哦,看看我們差點(diǎn)還忘了什么. 不,這個不是我的. 哦,好吧.哦! 看看我們差點(diǎn)拿了什么! 對不起,巴卡特夫人, 我們已經(jīng)把廚房打掃完了. 哦,好,謝謝你. 哦,有一件小事... - 親愛的? - 一點(diǎn)小事...報(bào)酬? 一直是杰克管帳的! 你知道我們應(yīng)該去干什么? 去看音樂劇. 當(dāng)然... 你知道我們應(yīng)該去看誰? 1996年托尼獎獲得者 你知道那人叫什么名字么? 我不知道,呃,格雷斯? 不對.... 倫特? 對! 倫特! 好,那么你打算什么時候去? 什么?哦,對不起,我不能去,我很忙. 嘿.給女孩買禮物可真累啊 是的,沒錯,尤其是去馬克斯商店. 你給她買了什么? 一支筆. 這是兩件禮物.這是支筆, 也是個表!啊? 哈哈!你不能送她這個. 為什么? 因?yàn)樗皇?1歲! 而且這也不是光明節(jié)的第七夜! 好的,親愛的,他的意思是這應(yīng)該是件非常好的禮物, 應(yīng)該是適合男朋友送她的. 這當(dāng)然是!她工作的時候需要筆, 她寫字的時候,把筆轉(zhuǎn)過來... "哇!到了我和喬伊約會的時間了!" 好,好, 安杰拉.德爾維琪生日的時候你送的什么? 我們約會的那段時間沒有她生日. 3年沒有生日? 太晚了,而且我還要去參加選角, 我已經(jīng)不能再逛商店了!我... 好,我出去給她買件禮物,如何? 多謝,兄弟.哦,既然你已經(jīng)去了, 能不能順便送她張卡? 你是否希望我最好再寫首詩送她? 或者...只是買張上面有詩的卡? 但是,莫,你拿了我們的錢! 哦,菲比,她不停的哭! 從那些厚眼鏡片里看, 她的淚珠特別的大. 我知道,這很難.你知道我母親葬禮后我做的第一件事是什么? 什么? 付錢給承包宴會的人! 我在工作經(jīng)常碰到這種事, 有些人不打算付錢 比如說,你知道,"按摩時間好像不夠長" 或者, "我并不認(rèn)可這些歌,"或者,你知道, "這些寬邊帽不怎么大,小姑娘!!" 好的,那么你認(rèn)為她是在裝? 是的,看上去在你給她看帳單之前好像沒什么眼淚. 菲比,她的聲音真的讓我難受. - 她現(xiàn)在看上去很好. - 那么,你真的離開了? 她的房間真的這么差? - 你知道,每天回家時把夾克扔到椅子上 - 嗯. 好的,就象這樣,有件東西取代了椅子, 是一堆垃圾. 有件東西取代了夾克,也是一堆垃圾. 還有件東西取代了回家的時候, 是世界末日,幸存的只有垃圾! - 這 - 喔.謝謝.那么,哦,發(fā)生了什么? 你什么意思?什么也沒發(fā)生! 我只有離開了. 好,那么...下次你帶她去你那兒. 不,我試過了.她說我那兒有股怪味. 什么樣的味? 我不知道.香皂? - 好,聽著,羅斯... 你喜歡她,對么? - 對. - 你想再見到她,對么? - 對. 那你就得在垃圾堆里做! - 對,你是對的. - 對. - 我是說,呃,誰...誰在乎一點(diǎn)臟東西? - 對! 這,呃...這很可愛,真的. 好!現(xiàn)在你去找這頭漂亮的豬! 哼哈! 好,好.我花了整個下午去給凱茜找一件比這本兔子更好的禮物. 好運(yùn)? 哦,對,我找到了個"凱茜看不見的東西" 你能不能幫我一把? 好,這樣,你為什么不退掉這本書, 讓喬伊送她那支帶表的筆? 然后你送一件更差的禮物.比如... 普通的筆. 她真的會喜歡這個,你知道? 重要的是把這個送給她, 即使她不知道是誰送的. 啊,親愛的,你真好. 啊?你不認(rèn)為這很可悲么? 哦!可悲! 嗨!我十分鐘前遇見了凱茜! 我到處在找你! 哪兒? 咱們那兒, 客廳! 我... 我給她買了禮物. 是本書! 書? 是本書也是保險(xiǎn)箱? 不,就是本書. 好吧.這是絨毛兔的最初版本, 這是她小時候最喜歡的書 那么,如果她喜歡,告訴我,OK? 好的.謝謝你,我欠你的. 哦,嘿!給你的20塊錢有找頭沒有? 不,不只20塊呢 哦.跟新書一樣貴 Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those peepers? Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those eyes? 你沒弄到錢,對么? 也許我該在間斷的時候去? 菲比,拜托,你知道...走吧! 不!嘿,她付錢之前我們決不離開! 我真不知道她把自己當(dāng)誰了! 夠了!夠了! - 嘿, 寡婦? - Come on along and listen to... - 寡婦! - ...the lullabye of... 對不起. 對不起! 謝謝.顯然這是你非常難過的時候. 呃,但是,我們提供了服務(wù), 我們應(yīng)該得到報(bào)酬因?yàn)槟愠粤诉@些服務(wù). 而且,在你付清每一分錢之前我們絕不走. 你知道為什么嗎,女士? 我們只是臨時承包商, 而且我們沒別的地方可以去 - 好的,我去拿我的包. - 好. 我留下幾張名片. 下次喪事找我們. 那么你打算進(jìn)來么? 是的,我想. 我一會回來,你盡量舒服點(diǎn). 猜猜是誰? 衛(wèi)生部? - 是我! - 喔! - 啊. - 哇! 怎么? - 啊, 謝麗! - 哦, 羅斯! 等等!不!住手!是我的老鼠!是米茲! 天啊,對不起,謝麗. 我一定是嚇壞了. 哦,謝天謝地,不是米茲. 只是只一般的老鼠 我做到了!哦!我完成了! 我自己把它都做出來了! 可是卻沒有人和我擁抱! 躲開! - 嘿! - 嘿, 你們, 我自己完成了猜字游戲! 擁抱我! - 呃...呀! - 謝謝! - 哦,太棒了!祝賀! - 謝謝你!宴會怎么樣? 哦,太棒了!寡婦不肯付錢, 于是菲比對她大吼直到她付錢為止. 對.我是強(qiáng)硬派. 我是軟弱派,我需要搭檔. 對.強(qiáng)硬加軟弱..我們可以對抗犯罪! 等一下,菲比!我們可以成為搭檔. 我們成為承包商搭檔! 我是說,想想看!你現(xiàn)在沒有工作, 我們可以長時間在一起! 好吧! 我做菜你管錢. 好,哦!就好象五十年代的人討了個老婆! 啊! - 嗨! - 嗨, 怎么樣? 她喜歡這個禮物么? 哦,兄弟,她愛死這個了! 她現(xiàn)在去給莫妮卡和瑞秋看呢. 哦? 這很好! 嗨,聽著,我得說,把功勞都給我, 我感覺不太好,因?yàn)?我得到的好處可真會不少 啊哈哈哈哈.... - 嗨. - 嗨! - 嗨! 生日快樂. - 謝謝你! 你知道,呃...錢德也給你帶了禮物. 不,他沒有. 他有,看...看,就在桌子上!哈呵呵! 生日快樂! 對不起. 你真的不必. 喔. 看,你以為它是個筆, 其實(shí)它翻過來還是個表呢. 好,這非常好.謝謝你,錢德. 哦,是..是. 啊. 什么時候上床? 再等一下 別忘了你的優(yōu)待券. 晚安. 嗯,謝謝你的禮物. 哦,是的...我知道你有些時候會寫字. 你...你有時候不知道時間. 不,我...我不是說筆.謝謝你的書. 呃,書? 絨毛兔.我感到這事和你有關(guān). 你什么意思? 是的,喬伊給我的時候,他說, "送你這個因?yàn)槟阆矚g兔子,也喜歡奶酪." 謝謝.我很喜歡.而且我知道這很不好找. 哦哇.順便說一下,你忘了這個, 聽起來象是"哦哇." 你一定很喜歡喬伊, 才為他惹了這么多麻煩. 哦,是,他是我...他是我最好的朋友. - 好.... - 晚安. 嘿,你知道么,優(yōu)待券會過期的. 嗨.你不認(rèn)識我, 我是莫妮卡.蓋勒...羅斯的妹妹. 哦,對,你知道,實(shí)在太糟糕了,我們分手了。 對,他跟我說了你的公寓. 我聽了之后想著它根本睡不著. 那么你能讓我打掃一下么? 不嗎?

The One With The Dirty Girl

[Scene: Central Perk, Ross and a beautiful blonde (Cheryl) are standing outside. The rest of the gang is watching from inside.]

Cheryl: So, thank you for the delicious dinner.

Ross: You're welcome for a delicious dinner.


Phoebe: Hey what are you guys looking at?

Chandler: Ross and the most beautiful girl in the world.

Phoebe: Yeah, come to papa.

[Cheryl walks away and Ross walks inside. Everyone stares at him in disbelief.]

Ross: I know!

Monica: Probably the only time I'll ever say this, but did you see the ass on her?

Chandler: Where did you, when did you, how did you... (Joey hits the back of Chandler's head) How did you get a girl like that?

Rachel: Yeah, so what is she, like a... like a spokesmodel, or an aerobics instructor, what?

Ross: Actually she's a paleontology doctoral candidate, specializing in the centazoic era.

Chandler: Okay, but that's, like, the easiest era.

Ross: I've seen her at work, but I always figured, ah-huh? But, uh, I made her dinner. We had a great time. And we're going out again tomorrow.

Rachel: Well maybe she and her friends are just having a contest to see who can bring home the biggest geek.

Ross: Fine by me; hope she wins.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's. Ross, Rachel, and Phoebe are there. Chandler enters.]

Chandler: Hi. You guys have any wrapping paper?

Phoebe: Oo! Is it for my birthday present?

Chandler: Phebes, it was your birthday, like, months ago.

Phoebe: Yeah, but remember you said you ordered something special, and it just hasn't come yet?

Chandler: Well, I have a call in about that.

Phoebe: 'Kay.

Chandler: Actually, this is for Kathy's birthday. It's an early edition of her favorite book.

Rachel: Oh, The Velveteen Rabbit! Oh my God, when the boy's love makes the rabbit real!

Chandler: Okay, but don't touch it, because you fingers have destructive oils.

Rachel: Huh. Well, then you'd better keep it away from Ross's hair. So this is pretty rare. How did you get that?

Chandler: Oh, it wasn't a big deal. I just went to a couple of bookstores, talked to a couple of dealers... called a couple of the author's grandchildren.

Rachel: Oh, honey, that's so sweet.

Phoebe: Yeah, and what a great way to say, "I secretly love you, roommate's girlfriend!"

Chandler: It doesn't say that. Does it?

Ross: How do you think it's gonna look when you get her something incredibly meaningful and expensive and her boyfriend Joey gives her an orange?

Chandler: Okay, all right, I'll just uh, make sure that uh, Joey gets her something really great.

Phoebe: It's gotta be better than that book. Oo! Like a crossbow!

Monica: (Entering from her bedroom, talking on the phone) Yeah, once again, I am sorry. Thank you. Bye. (To the gang) I just had to turn down a job catering a funeral for sixty people.

Rachel: Oh my God! What happened?

Monica: Sixty guests.

Ross: So, uh, why did you have to turn it down?

Monica: Because I don't have the money or the equipment to handle something that big on such short notice. I mean there's no way.

Phoebe: Wow, what is with all the negativity? You sound like Monican't , not Monican... (Monica looks almost puzzled) ...Monica. Look, you know, you have been playing around with this catering thing for over three years. Do you want to be a caterer or not?

Monica: I don't know.

Phoebe: There you go, that's the spirit! Okay! Now, if you need money, I will lend you money, but just get moving!

Monica: Really? Cause I'd need like $500 for all the food and the supplies and stuff.

Phoebe: Okay! It's worth it, if it will get you moving. You haven't worked in months.

Monica: Well, you're not working either.

Phoebe: Yes, but I'm doing this.

Monica: Yeah, that'd be great! Thank you!

[Joey enters]

Joey: Hey!

Everyone: Hey.

Kathy: Can I borrow the keys to your apartment?

Joey: Why?

[Kathy whispers something in Joey's ear]

Joey: You can pee here!

Kathy: Ahahaha... haha.. yes I can, of course. Excuse me.

Chandler: It's okay, the duck's using our bathroom anyway. (Kathy goes into the bathroom.) Hey Joe! What are you getting Kathy for her birthday?

Joey: We've only been going out for a couple of weeks, do you think I gotta get her something?

Everyone: Yeah!

Rachel: Yes, you have to get her something, and it should be something really nice.

Joey: Oh, I know...

Rachel: And not one of your coupons for an hour of "Joey Love."

[cut to a new scene, also in Monica and Rachel's apartment. Rachel is sitting, Phoebe is nearby.]

Phoebe: Ooo, a crossword! Can I help?

Rachel: No! I'm sorry, honey, it's just that last week I got all but three answers and I really want to finish a whole one without any help.

Phoebe: Fine. But you can't help me develop my new universal language.

[Monica enters]

Monica: Hey!

Rachel: Hey, how'd it go?

Monica: Oh my God, it was the best funeral ever! I mean, everyone loved the food, and guess what? I even got another funeral for tomorrow--the dead-guy-from-today's best friend. I mean, it is like I am the official caterer for that accident!

Phoebe: Mon! I'm so happy for you!

Monica: Thanks. Like, check out my new catering stuff. (Picks up two frying pans) Look at this! I'm an omelet station! Omelet? Made to order!

Phoebe: I'll have one, please. Plus my money.

Monica: Oh. Well, I didn't realize that you needed it back right away. I mean, you told me to go and be a caterer. So I went. I beed. I mean, I... I used it to buy all this stuff. But look--I've got another job tomorrow, so I'll pay you back with the money I make from that.

Phoebe: Oh. Okay. Oo, sorry I acted like a bank.

Monica: Okay.

[Scene: Outside Cheryl's apartment, Ross and Cheryl are kissing]

Ross: (moved by the kiss) Huh...

Cheryl: Um, would you like to come in?

Ross: Did homo-erectus hunt with wooden tools?

Cheryl: According to recent findings!

[They go into the apartment. Inside the apartment it looks like a sewage dump exploded and landed in her living room. There are clothes and food and junk covering every square inch of space. I mean pigs have nicer pens. Ross is completely shocked.]

Cheryl: (throwing food around the room) Here Mitzi! Here Mitzi!

Ross: Mitzi is.....

Cheryl: My hamster. I hope she's okay, I haven't seen her in a while. Have a seat.

Ross: (mouths "where?") Uh... Oh hey, do you, uh (steps on some garbage and falters) ...do you have any, um, Cinnamon Fruit Toasties?

Cheryl: What?

Ross: Well, I do! Why don't we go back to my place, light a couple of candles, break open a box of Cinnamon Fruit Toasties, uh...

Cheryl: I'd rather not.

Ross: Oh, yeah, why not?

Cheryl: Okay, um, don't take this the wrong way, but your place kinda has a weird smell.

[Scene: A kitchen where Phoebe and Monica are finishing up a catering job]

Monica: Oh, is everything in the car?

Phoebe: Yes. Did you settle the bill?

Monica: No. I hate this part.

Phoebe: Oh, look what we almost left. (Picks up a coffee maker)

Monica: No, that's not mine.

Phoebe: Oh, all right. Oh! Look what we almost took!

[cut to the living room of the same dwelling, where the funeral guests are mingling. Monica enters.]

Monica: Excuse me, Mrs. Burkart? Well, we're all cleaned up in the kitchen.

Mrs. Burkart: Oh, good. Thank you.

Monica: Um, and, well there's the.. the the small matter of...

Mrs. Burkart: Dear?

Monica: Just the matter of ...payment?

Mrs. Burkart: (in grief) Jack used to handle the finances! (Breaks into tears)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel is on the couch still doing the crossword. Chandler is in the kitchen.]

Rachel: You know what we should all do? Go see a musical.

Chandler: (confused) Sure...

Rachel: And you know which one we should see? The 1996 Tony award winner. Do you happen to know the name of that one?

Chandler: I don't know... um, Grease?

Rachel: No....

Chandler: Rent?

Rachel: Yes! Rent!

Chandler: Okay, so when do you want to go?

Rachel: What? Oh, I'm sorry, I can't, I'm busy.

Joey: (entering the apartment) Hey. Man, it is so hard to shop for girls.

Chandler: Yes, it is, at Office Max.

Rachel: What did you get her? (Joey opens up a rectangular black box and holds up a pen.)

Chandler: A pen.

Joey: It's two gifts in one. It's a pen that's also a clock! Huh?

Chandler: Huh-huh! You can't give her that.

Joey: Why not?

Chandler: Because she's not eleven! And it's not the seventh night of Hanukkah!

Rachel: Okay, honey, what he means by that, is ...while this is a very nice gift, maybe it's just not something a boyfriend gives?

Joey: Sure it is! She needs a pen for work, she's writing, she turns it over.... "Whoa! It's time for my date with Joey!"

Chandler: All right, look, look. What did... what did you get for Angela Delveccio for her birthday?

Joey: She didn't have a birthday while we were going out.

Chandler: For three years?

Joey: (whining and heading toward the door) Look, it's too late, and I got an audition. I can't shop anymore! I...

Chandler: All right. I will go out and I will try to find something for her, okay?

Joey: Thanks, man. And oh, while you're at it, could you get her a card?

Chandler: Would you like me to write her a little poem as well?

Joey: Or... just get a card that has a poem already in it.

[Scene: Back in the kitchen at the funeral. Phoebe is there, Monica enters.]

Phoebe: But Mon, you have to get our money!

Monica: Oh, Phoebe, she couldn't stop crying! With those thick glasses, her tears looked giant.

Phoebe: I know, it's tough. You know what the first thing I did after my mother's funeral was?

Monica: What?

Phoebe: Pay the caterer! Look, I've had a lot of jobs, okay, and there are some people who just always try to get out of paying. It's either, you know, "that massage wasn't long enough, or, "I don't recognize any of those songs," or, you know, "these sombreros aren't big enough. Bad little white girl!"

Monica: Okay. So what do you.... you think she's faking?

Phoebe: Well, it seems like there weren't any tears 'til you showed her the bill.

Monica: Phoebe, she sounded pretty upset to me.

[cut to the living room where Mrs. Burkart is now performing.]

Mrs. Burkart: (singing) You're a grand ol' flag, you're a high-flying flag, and forever in peace may you wave....

Phoebe: She seems fine now.

Mrs. Burkart: (singing) ...emblem of the land I love. The home of....


[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Ross and Joey are standing and talking, Ross is tying a tie.]

Joey: So, you just left? Her place was really that bad?

Ross: You know how you throw your jacket on a chair at the end of the day?

Joey: Yeah.

Ross: Well, like that, only instead of a chair, it's a pile of garbage. And instead of a jacket, it's a pile of garbage. And instead of the end of the day, it's the end of time, and garbage is all that has survived! (Ross takes the loosely tied tie off and hands it to Joey who puts it on.) Here.

Joey: Wow. Thanks. So, uh, what happened?

Ross: What do you mean? Nothing happened! I had to get out of there.

Joey: All right, so... next time, you take her to your place.

Ross: No, I tried that. She says it has a weird smell.

Joey: What kind of smell?

Ross: I don't know. Soap?

Joey: All right, listen, Ross... you like this girl, right?

Ross: Yeah.

Joey: You wanna see her again, right?

Ross: Yeah.

Joey: So you're gonna have to do it in the mess!

Ross: Yeah, okay you're right.

Joey: Yeah.

Ross: I mean, uh, who... who cares about a little sloppiness?

Joey: Yeah!

Ross: It's, uh... it's endearing, really.

Joey: All right! Now you go get that beautiful pig! (Ross hesitates, looks unsure) Oink!

[Scene: Monica and Rachel, Rachel is there, Chandler enters.]

Chandler: Okay, all right. I just spent the entire afternoon looking for a present for Kathy that would be better than the rabbit.

Rachel: Any luck?

Chandler: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I found this great place called "Invisible things for Kathy." (Motions to an imaginary pile of presents next to him.) Can you give me a hand with all this stuff?

Rachel: All right, look. Why don't you just return the book, let Joey give her the clock pen, and you give her something worse than that. Like... a regular pen.

Chandler: She's really going to love this, you know? The bottom line is I want her to have it, even if I don't get to be the one who gives it to her.

Rachel: Aw, honey, that's so sweet.

Chandler: Yeah? You don't think it's just pathetic?

Rachel: Oh! Pathetic! (Grabs the crossword puzzle and starts writing.)

Joey: (entering) Hey! I'm meeting Kathy in ten minutes! I've been looking all over for you!

Chandler: Where?

Joey: Our place, the hall! I...

Chandler: I got something for her. (Joey picks up the package, shakes it next to his ear, can't hear anything, switches ears, shakes it again.) It's a book!

Joey: (Unimpressed) A book? (Suddenly interested) Is it like a book that's also a safe?

Chandler: No, it's a book that's just a book, okay? It's an early edition of the Velveteen Rabbit. It was her favorite book as a kid. So, uh, just... let me know if she likes it, okay?

Joey: You got it. Thanks man. Thanks for doing this, I owe you one. (Joey leaves, comes back in.) Oh, hey! There wasn't any change from that twenty, was there?

Chandler: No, it came out to an even twenty.

Joey: Wow. That's almost as much as a new book.

[Scene: In the living room at the funeral]

Mrs. Burkart: (singing) Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those peepers? Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those eyes?

[cut to Monica and Phoebe in the kitchen]

Phoebe: You didn't get the money, did you?

Monica: Maybe I can try at intermission? Phoebe, come on... you know what? Let's just go!

Phoebe: No! Hey, we're not leaving until we get paid! I don't know who she thinks she is! Enough is enough! (Phoebe goes into the living room.) Hey, widow?

Mrs. Burkart: (Singing) Come on along and listen to...

Phoebe: Okay, Widow!

Mrs. Burkart: (Singing) ...the lullabye of...

Phoebe: Excuse me. Excuse me! (Mrs. Bukart stops singing) Thanks. Um, clearly this is a very, very hard time for you. Um, but, um, we provided a service, and we deserve to be paid because you ate that service, and, um, we are not leaving here until we're paid every penny. 'Cause you know what, lady? We're part time caterers, and we have no place else to go.

Mrs. Burkart: All right. I'll get my bag.

Phoebe: Good. (Phoebe and Mrs. Burkart go into the other room, leaving Monica with everyone staring at her.)

Monica: I'm gonna leave some cards here. Please think of us for you next event.

[Scene: Outside Cheryl's apartment.]

Cheryl: So you want to come inside?

Ross: (mustering up courage) Yes. Yes I do. (They go inside.)

Cheryl: I'll be right back. Make yourself comfortable. (Ross attempts to clear a place for his coat and fold it small enough to fit. Then hit sits on the couch. Something falls on him from above and he brushes his neck off frantically.)

Cheryl: (sneaking up behind Ross) Guess who?

Ross: Department of Sanitation?

Cheryl: It's me!

Ross: Oh! (She kisses him) Ah. (They kiss more, and move down onto the couch. Ross's hand moves under some garbage) Aw! (His hand is covered with something brown and gooey.)

Cheryl: What?

Ross: (trying to make his disgust into lust) Ah, Cheryl!

Cheryl: Oh, Ross!

[They sit up, moaning in excitement, and Cheryl straddles Ross. Ross finds a slice of bologna and moans higher and louder, then a bag of potato chips on the coffee table starts to move. Ross throws Cheryl off his lap, grabs a tennis racket and a toilet brush and starts pounding the bag.]

Cheryl: Wait! No! No! It's my hamster! It's Mitzi!

Ross: Oh my god! I'm so sorry, Cheryl. I must have freaked out.

Cheryl: (looking in the bag) Oh, thank god, it's not Mitzi. It's just a rat.

[Scene: Central Perk. Rachel is sitting on the couch alone. Gunther is there, going into the back room.]

Rachel: I did it! Oh! I finished it! I did it all by myself! And there's nobody to hug!

[From the background we hear a crash and Gunther comes running out of the back room, pushing people aside, reaching for Rachel.]

Gunther: Move!

[Gunther slips and falls just before reaching the back of the couch. Monica and Phoebe come into Central Perk.]

Rachel: Hey! Hey, you guys, I finished the crossword all by myself! Hug me!

[Gunther gets up slowly from behind the couch and walks away sadly]

Phoebe: Uh... yay!

Rachel: Thanks!

Monica: Oh, that's great! Congratulations!

Rachel: Thank you! Hey, how'd the catering go?

Monica: Oh, it was great! The widow wouldn't pay, so Phoebe yelled at her 'til she did.

Phoebe: Yeah. I'm a hard ass.

Monica: And I'm a wuss. And we should be partners.

Phoebe: Yeah. Hard Ass and Wuss. We could fight crime!

Monica: Wait a minute, Phoebe! We should be partners. We should be catering partners. I mean, think about it! You're not working right now, and we have such a great time together!

Phoebe: Okay!

Monica: I can cook and you can take care of the money.

Phoebe: Yeah. Oh! It'll be like I have a wife in the fifties!

Both: (screaming with excitement) Aah!

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler is there, Joey enters.]

Joey: Hey!

Chandler: Hey, how'd it go? How'd she like the gift?

Joey: Oh, man, she loved it! She's over there showing Monica and Rachel right now.

Chandler: Oh yeah? That's great!

Joey: Hey, listen, I gotta tell ya, I feel kinda bad taking credit for this, because man, am I gonna get a lot of credit for this!

Chandler: [nodding, with mixed feelings] Aahhuuhhh....

[Kathy enters]

Kathy: Hey.

Joey: Hey!

Chandler: Hey! Happy birthday.

Kathy: Thank you!

Joey: You know, uh... [Joey moves the pen case out onto the counter.] Chandler got you a gift, too.

Chandler: No he didn't. [Moving it back.]

Joey: Yeah, he did, look... look, it's right there on the counter! Ha-ho-ho!

Chandler: Happy birthday! I'm sorry.

Kathy: You really didn't have to. (Opens the box) Wow.

Chandler: See, you think it's just a pen, but then you turn it over and it's also a clock.

Kathy: Yeah. No, this is great. Thank you, Chandler. (They hug).

Chandler: Oh, yeah... yeah.

Joey: Ah. Hm. (To Kathy) Wanna go to bed?

Kathy: I'll be in in a minute.

Joey: Oh, uh... don't forget your coupon. (Tries to strike a sexy pose up against the doorway to his room. Then goes inside).

Chandler: [to Kathy] Goodnight.

Kathy: Um, thank you for the gift.

Chandler: Oh, uh, yeah... I just knew that sometimes when you're writing, you... you don't always know the exact time.

Kathy: No, I... I didn't mean the pen. Thank you for the book.

Chandler: Uh, the book?

Kathy: The Velveteen Rabbit. I kinda have the feeling you had something to do with it.

Chandler: What do you mean?

Kathy: Well, uh, when Joey gave it to me, he said, "This is 'cause I know ya like Rabbits, and I know ya like cheese." Thanks. I love it. And I know how hard it must have been for you to find.

Chandler: (tongue-tied) Uhl..ell. By the way, in case you missed that, that sound was, "Uhl, ell."

Kathy: You must really like... Joey... to go to all that trouble for him.

Chandler: Oh, yeah, he's my... he's my best friend.

Kathy: Well....

Chandler: Goodnight. (Goes to his room.)

Joey: (opening bedroom door) Hey, that coupon expires, you know.


[ending credits scene: outside Cheryl's apartment, Monica knocks on Cheryl's door]

Monica: Hi. Uh, you... you don't know me, I'm Monica Geller... Ross's sister.

Cheryl: Oh, yeah. Oh, you know, that's too bad that didn't work out.

Monica: Yeah. Anyway, he told me about your apartment. And, um, I couldn't sleep, thinking about it. So, uh, would it be okay if I cleaned it?

[Cheryl shrugs, shuts the door, looking puzzled]

Monica: No?

[Monica looks around the hallway, pulls out a sponge and starts scrubbing the door frame.]



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