Within the past few weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic has derailed my plans and expectations for my first year of medical school. It has canceled trips and internships. It has moved classes and social interactions online, dissolving my community as I knew it.
As a healthy, 20-something, I know that if I contract COVID-19. I am less likely to diethan older adults like my parents or those with preexisting conditions.
So why should teens and 20-somethings give up hanging out with friends? Why should we let a virus dictate our lives?
That kind of cavalier attitude is present among young people. My newsfeed has been rife with reports of young people at California beaches before widespread beach closures, and at neighborhood brunches and even "coronavirus parties" held in defiance of the guidelines for social distancing.
On a personal level, I know that some of my acquaintances still travel, passing through multiple airports on a pleasure trip. Others host gatherings or attend wine parties in each other's homes with an open invitation to all who can come.
Yet my social media is also filled with powerful calls to stay home and, if you must go out, to physically distance yourself from others.
I know of people seeing different friends each day in small gatherings. They may figure there's no harm in an intimate get-together, but this practice is risky. All it takes is one unsuspecting person who's infected for spread to occur. From there, contagion is exponential.
I believe young people can change the course of the pandemic. We can try to forget about the pandemic and live as if we're in the relatively carefree past.
Or we can act as role models, leading the charge in supporting public health measures.
Assuredly, everyone has an obligation to physically distance. I think, however, young people have a unique obligation in minimizing the spread of coronavirus.
Some of us are understandably hesitant to accept the challenges of social distancing measures. As a friend suggested, we are trying to salvage our lives during a pandemic that has canceled everything. We've lost our semester of campus life and milestones like graduation. We've given up our spring breaks and have no idea about summer. So we may feel like victims of these unfortunate times.
I do not believe that it is a useful way to view this new reality. Unquestionably, we have all lost something. But we stand to lose something much greater if we do not do our part in mitigating the pandemic.
First of all, our own health is at risk. Even though the danger of COVID-19 may be greater for older generations, many of us are becoming infected. Whether we get sick or remain asymptomatic, we are spreading the virus and contributing to a possible collapse of health-care systems. And some young patients are dying.
We also risk our moral character in how we chose to respond to the pandemic.