As the coronavirus spreads in the U.S., public health agencies are starting to worry about hospital capacity.
Overseas, China was forced to build two new hospitals on an emergency basis, and in South Korea earlier this week, the government said over two thousand people were waiting for hospital care.
The potential numbers in the U.S. are daunting. Richard Waldhorn is a pulmonary critical care physician who's studied hospital preparedness for the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Last week, he co-wrote an article arguing that American hospitals should prepare for the possibility of too many patients.
"The arithmetic suggests that we will outstrip hospital resources, particularly instensive care resources, in waves as the pandemic spreads," he says.
He says government planning assumptions based on past flu pandemics suggest a surge in demand for intensive care that could range somewhere between 200.000 thousand and 2.9 million patients.
The American Hospital Association says the total number of Intensive Care Unit beds is about 65.000.
Waldhorn says hospitals can make more ICU beds available in a crisis, perhaps doubling the capacity, but there's still a chance it won't be enough.
"We're going to have to face the problem of how do we allocate limited health care resources in some sort of rational and ethical and organized way with the goal of doing the greatest good for the greatest number," he says.
He gives the example of "extracorporeal membrane oxygenation," a technique for oxygenating blood outside the body, in cases of respiratory failure. Chinese doctors reported some success using the procedure to keep COVID-19 patients alive, but it's not something that could be easily provided to hundreds or thousands of patients.
In Washington State, things have not yet reached the stage of tough choices.
EvergreenHealth hospital in Kirkland identified the country's first fatal case of COVID-19 last Friday, and since then it's borne the brunt of the most serious cases — and most of the country's deaths. Many stem from the outbreak at the nearby Life Care nursing facility.
One week later, the hospital has made plans to house even more of the patients, by taking steps such as converting more sections of its buildings into "negative pressure wards," in which HVAC systems keep germs from spreading. Still, they're feeling the strain.
"Right now I know for certain, we have one critical care bed left," the CEO, Jeff Tomlin, said on Thursday night. "We're right now already talking to the other facilities to see what their capacity is."