The Melong Tagphug cave site, with two caves of1,000 square meters and 250 square meters, issituated about 4,600 meters above sea level.
It is the first prehistoric cave site found on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
"Besides abundant cultural relics and animal bones, ochre rock paintings with geometricpatterns, human figurines, palms and the sun were also found," said He Wei, an archaeologistfrom Tibet's institute of cultural relics protection.
The excavation, which will continue in 2019, was carried out by a joint archaeological teamfrom the regional cultural relics conservation institute and the Institute of VertebratePaleontology and Paleoanthropology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
The discovery sheds light on human activities, environment change, origins of agriculture andanimal husbandry and prehistoric art on the plateau, archaeologists said.
In November, archaeologists found thousands of stone artifacts at a paleolithic site in Tibet, indicating that humans might have conquered one of the highest and most ecologically-challenging places on the globe at least 30,000 years ago.