According to data gathered from Alibaba Group on payment services across eight platforms -- including Alipay, food delivery unit Ele.me, as well as the video-streaming site Youku -- Chinese people go to bed at 4 am on average.
Additionally, it also shows Beijingers order Starbucks after 6 pm the most, go to bed late and rise at the earliest times.
Residents in Shanghai purchase movie tickets and pay the most hospital visits at midnight, and East China's Nanjing city has the most bookstore visits.
As for the night food orders, they start coming in at 9 pm with orders for fried chicken and barbecued sticks of meat ranking as people's favorites.
Down southwest in Chengdu, people spend the most on dinner, gathering around tables for hotpot. Citizens in Hangzhou City in eastern China prefer drinks over food, with its highest sales of alcohol at night.
Mobile payment has been an integrated part of people's lives in China, as consumers can place a food order, shop online and also pay utility bills on their smartphone screens -- no matter what time it is. However, the active nightlife also reflects the pressure of urban life.