韓國檢方已要求判處前總統(tǒng)樸槿惠(Park Geun-hye) 30年徒刑。這起在去年很大一部分時間里席卷整個韓國的重大腐敗丑聞即將告一段落。
Ms Park stands accused of a slew of charges, including bribery, abuse of power and leaking state secrets in a case that ensnared a host of South Korea's top political and business figures.
The nation's first female president, Ms Park was impeached in March last year following months of mass demonstrations in Seoul.
The protests were triggered by revelations that Ms Park had fallen under the influence of a confidante who was using her ties to the South Korean leader to extort money from the nation's biggest companies.
抗議活動是由一個爆料引發(fā)的。這個爆料稱,樸槿惠因其閨蜜崔順實(Choi Soon-sil)的影響而墮落,這名閨蜜利用她與樸槿惠的關系向韓國幾家大企業(yè)勒索錢財。
The aide in question, Choi Soon-sil, was earlier this month jailed for 20 years for her role in the scandal.
Ms Park denies the charges. A verdict is expected in late March or April.