The Hang Seng index ended the day 1.8 per cent higher at 31,904.75 points, eclipsing the previous record set in October 2007. That brought the gain for the index for the year to date to 6.6 per cent.
恒生指數(shù)(Hang Seng index)當(dāng)日收漲1.8%,至31904.75點,刷新了2007年10月創(chuàng)下的紀錄。這一表現(xiàn)使該指數(shù)今年迄今的漲幅達到6.6%。
The best performers for the day included exchange operator Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing, which rose 5.4 per cent, while snack and beverage maker Want Want China jumped 5 per cent and and dairy company China Mengniu Dairy gained 4 per cent.
當(dāng)天表現(xiàn)最佳的包括上漲5.4%的交易所運營商港交所(HKEx),同時零食和飲料制造商中國旺旺(Want Want China)股價上漲5%,乳制品公司蒙牛乳業(yè)(China Mengniu Dairy)上漲4%。
Macau casinos also helped push the index higher after Morgan Stanley raised price targets for gaming companies including Sands China and Galaxy Entertainment, which rose 2.3 per cent and 1.5 per cent respectively.
澳門賭場也幫助推高了該指數(shù),此前摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)提高了金沙中國(Sands China)、銀河娛樂(Galaxy Entertainment)等博彩公司的股價目標,兩家公司的股價分別上漲了2.3%和1.5%。
The Hang Seng China Enterprises index, composed of large-cap Hong Kong-listed Chinese companies, climbed 2.5 per cent to its highest since mid-2015.
由在香港上市的中國內(nèi)地大盤股構(gòu)成的恒生中國企業(yè)指數(shù)(Hang Seng China Enterprise Index)上漲2.5%,至2015年年中以來的最高水平。