熱衷收購的娛樂與房地產(chǎn)集團萬達集團(Dalian Wanda Group)在官網(wǎng)發(fā)布了其董事長上周五訪問香港的照片,粉碎了所謂這名億萬富豪被禁止離開中國內(nèi)地的傳言。
In late August, the company was hit by rumours from a Chinese-language blog that its billionaire chairman Wang Jianlin had been detained by authorities and forbidden to leave China. The suggestion sent shares in its Hong Kong-listed unit down more than 10 per cent and Wanda says it has pressed charges against the blog, which is based in the US.
The photos, published on Monday but dated September 8, show Mr Wang alongside Tung Chee-hwa, who led Hong Kong from the British handover of the city to China in 1997 until he stepped down in 2005. The photos shows the emblem of Hong Kong on the wall in the background, indicating that Mr Wang was no longer on mainland Chinese soil.
這張發(fā)布于本周一、但拍攝于9月8日的照片顯示,王健林與董建華(Tung Chee-hwa)并肩站一起。董建華從1997年英國把香港主權移交給中國時起擔任香港特首,2005年下臺。這張照片的背景墻上展示了香港區(qū)徽,暗示當時王健林已不再身處中國內(nèi)地。