Donald Trump said during the third and final presidential debate on Wednesday that he may not accept the outcome of the November 8 election if it doesn't go his way.
'I will tell you at the time. I will keep you in suspense,' Trump told Fox News Channel anchor Chris Wallace after he was pressed to declare that he would concede to Hillary Clinton if he loses.
Trump, who didn't shake Clinton's hand after the debate, revived charges that the election is 'rigged' in her favor by 'dishonest' reporters – and doubled down on allegations that voter fraud could run rampant.
He said 'millions' of people are on voter rolls 'who shouldn't be registered.' News reports and independent investigations have found deceased Americans with active registrations, along with illegal immigrants who use driver's licenses to obtain ballots.
'That's horrifying,' Clinton responded, aghast at the idea of a presidential candidate questioning an election's validity.
The back-and-forth was part of a 90-minute mini-feud that covered abortion, gun rights, the Supreme Court, allegations of graft in the Clinton-led State Department, and sexual misconduct accusations lodged against Trump.
But the line of argument that riled Clinton the most was the suggestion that she might find herself with an asterisk next to her name if she wins an Electoral College victory.
The Democratic nominee blasted her Republican rival with a claim that his fallback position has always been to say a process is rife with bias when he doesn't come out on top.
She recalled his charges of 'rigged' outcomes in the 2016 Iowa Caucuses, and of rulings in a lawsuit targeting his defunct Trump University seminar series.
The former reality TV star even claimed the Emmys were rigged when his television show lost three years in a row, Clinton claimed.