According to a post on the Weibo messaging service, parents gathered outside the educationbureau in Baoding, Hebei province, to demand “fairness” and that the education ministryscrap plans to reduce the number of places reserved for local applicants.
This followed protests at the weekend by hundreds of residents in Zhengzhou, capital of Henanprovince. In recent weeks parents have taken to the streets of cities in Hubei and Jiangsuprovinces.
Like their state-run counterparts in the US, Chinese universities reserve a percentage of placesfor students from their home provinces, allocated through a gruelling annual exam known asthe gaokao. The education ministry had ordered universities in many populous provinces toreduce such quotas and increase access for non-local students, sparking the backlash.
Internet censors have taken down social media posts and online discussions about the reformsand protests. One posting on WeChat, the most popular messaging app, called on parents insouthern Hunan to join a protest scheduled for today.
In an open letter to the state council, parents in Henan complained about allegeddiscrimination for places at the most sought-after institutions, such as Peking university inBeijing. According to the letter, reported by the South China Morning Post, Peking accepted oneout of every 8,900 Henan applicants in 2013, compared with one out of every 325 from Beijing.
在一封致中國國務(wù)院的公開信中,河南的家長們抱怨北京大學(xué)(Peking University)等最熱門高校的招生名額分配存在歧視。這封由《南華早報》(South China Morning Post)最先報道的公開信顯示,2013年北京大學(xué)在河南的高考錄取率為1/8900,在北京的錄取率則為1/325。
That complaint was echoed yesterday by parents protesting in Baoding, an industrial city a fewhours’ drive from the capital. They said the imbalance was particularly unfair given the centralgovernment’s effort to merge Hebei, Beijing and a third city, Tianjin, into an integrated regionwith 110m people.
“Parents in Baoding are making their voices heard,” the protesters said, according to the Weibopost. “You talk about integration . . . so why are you so cruel to Hebei students?”
A parent in Hunan said: “When you are hungry, you ship our food to Beijing. When you arethirsty, you transfer our water to Beijing. Why won’t you allow our children to study inBeijing?”
The education ministry could not be reached for comment.
A municipal education bureau in Henan said local students would “benefit from the adjustedcollege entrance exam programme”.
A statement by the Puyang government said: “We hope parents will not believe onlinerumours. Everyone cares about fair education and we will take the issue to our superiors.”