參考例句:The bride'sfamily were scheming to prevent a wedding 新娘家人正密謀阻止婚禮
參考例句:a toast to the bride and groom 向新娘新郎祝酒
參考例句:He ordained his own priests, and threatened to ordain bishops 他自行任命了牧師,還揚言要任命主教
參考例句:He rounds off by proposing a toast to the attendants 他向來賓祝酒,圓滿結束了活動
結婚證marriage certificate;
參考例句:Wives will have to bring along their marriage certificate 已婚婦女必須攜帶結婚證
婚禮進行曲wedding march;
參考例句:The band struck up the wedding march 樂隊開始演奏婚禮進行曲
參考例句: I felt our engagement was quite an unhappy time 我覺得我們訂婚期間非常不愉快
結婚誓言marriage vows;
參考例句:Making wedding vows is like signing a contract. 發(fā)出結婚誓言就如同簽訂契約一般
持花少女flower girl;
參考例句:Xinyuan incident as due to a voice of reason to live but cheerful flower girls 新垣飾演由于某次事件的原因而失聲但卻開朗地生活的少女花
新娘的面紗bride's veil;
參考例句:When he finally lifted his bride's veil, he discovered that he had married theapprentice 他最后掀開新娘的面紗時, 才發(fā)現(xiàn)娶的是那位學徒
閃婚flash marriage
參考例句:However, It'seems clear that quickie marriages risk a quickie divorce 但似乎可以明確的是,閃婚很有可能以“閃離”收場