Researchers at the University of Exeter (UK) have analyzed the blood samples of 200,000 Britons between the ages of 40 and 70. They found that more than 2,000 of them had very high blood sugar.
Since then, most of these cases are diabetic but have not been diagnosed before. The results also indicate that 1% of the UK population may be living with type 2 diabetes without even knowing it.
The researchers also found that obese men over the age of 60 had a higher risk of diabetes than women. At the same time, the study also said that about 90% of diabetic patients in the UK are in type 2.
Study co-author Dr Katherine Young said: "Since people can have type 2 diabetes for many years without symptoms, diagnosis can be delayed, increasing the risk.
Our research shows that population-level screening can identify cases of type 2 diabetes much earlier and potentially reduce complications. "
The primary diagnostic tool for diabetes is the level of HbA1c, a hemoglobin that is involved in blood sugar. "We think that screening with HbA1c will help identify an additional 1% of the population between 40 and 70 years old with undiagnosed diabetes," Dr. Young added.
Dr Young said, many cases of type 2 diabetes but do not know because the signs are not always clear. Here, let's immediately refer to 4 signs that can "highlight" diabetes for early recognition and timely treatment!
Signs of type 2 diabetes
1. Urinating more than usual
Going to the bathroom more than usual is a common sign of diabetes. This is because over a long period of time, the pancreas - where the insulin hormone is produced - becomes so impaired that it cannot produce enough insulin.
Then, high blood sugar will be put into the urine for excretion from the body. That is why people with diabetes urinate more often and the urine may smell a bit sweeter than usual.
2. Feeling thirsty all the time
High blood sugar can lead to dehydration. A person with diabetes that does not control their condition can develop Polydipsia, which is extremely thirsty.
Diabetes can also prevent the body from absorbing water, creating a vicious cycle if the condition is not properly controlled. Polydipsia can cause a person to feel very thirsty, dry mouth or dizzy.
3. Drowsiness and fatigue
Many people with diabetes report feeling tired, lethargic, or depressed. Two common reasons for diabetics to become tired or lethargic are because their blood sugar is too high or too low.
In both cases, fatigue is the result of an imbalance between blood sugar levels and the effectiveness of the hormone insulin. If you feel tired all day, despite getting enough sleep, it could be a result of your high or low blood sugar.
4. Unexplained weight loss
Unexplained (unintentional) weight loss can be a warning sign of diabetes. People with diabetes do not produce enough insulin to prevent the body from receiving glucose from the bloodstream into the body's cells for use as energy.
When this happens, the body starts burning fat and muscle for energy, causing the body weight to decrease. Unwanted weight loss is often noticed in people pre-diagnosed with type 1 diabetes but can also affect people with type 2 diabetes.