Since the beginning of the global coronavirus pandemic, Americans have been told by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention not to wear masks unless they are sick, caring for a sick person who is unable to wear one or working in health care.
Numerous reasons have been given: That they don't offer significant protection from germs. That regular people don't typically wear them correctly. That they'll give people a false sense of security and cause them to be lax about hand-washing and social distancing.
And most of all: that there aren't enough masks and respirators for the health-care workers who desperately need them so leave the masks to them.
With this new attitude come many questions — which we'll attempt to answer here.
Can face coverings prevent the spread of the virus?
The primary benefit of covering your nose and mouth is that you protect others. While there is still much to be learned about the novel coronavirus, it appears that many people who are infected are shedding the virus – through coughs, sneezes and other respiratory droplets – for 48 hours before they start feeling sick. And others who have the virus – up to 25%, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield — may never feel symptoms but may still play a role in transmitting it.
That's why wearing a mask even if you don't feel sick can be a good idea.
If I'm wearing a mask and someone sneezes on me, would the mask offer some protection?
Yes. But only if you use the mask properly and don't touch it with your hands afterward.
Those droplets from a cough or sneeze would hit your mask instead of your mouth and nose — good news. But the next step is to take the mask off by the ear bands and either wash or discard it – without touching the front of it.
If you touch the front of the mask, whatever that person coughed or sneezed on it is now on your hands.
What about homemade masks?
As NPR has previously reported, some research has shown that cotton T-shirt material and tea towels might help block respiratory droplets emitting from sick people — though it's not clear how much protection they provide.
We don't yet know exactly how effective homemade masks are, but Griffin thinks they're a good idea — he's even taken to wearing one over his N95 respirator.
How often do I need to wash it?
Griffin says to think of a mask as like underwear: It needs to be washed after each use.
So if you're wearing a cloth mask, put it into the laundry basket immediately. If it's disposable, throw it away.
Is there one best mask design?
There is little data so far on cloth or homemade masks in general — let alone data that dictates how many pleats to put on your home-sewn version.
Griffin says the best material to use is a tight-weave cotton. "Don't use a synthetic or a polyester because they've looked at the virus's ability to survive on surfaces, and spandex is the worst," he says.
Would a scarf work?
Probably not as well as a mask that fits closely to your face.
"You can imagine if you put a loosely knit scarf with lots of holes in it ... that would not be very effective," says Dr. Michael Klompas, an infectious disease physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital.
The goal is to create a barrier that catches droplets and keeps others from coming in, so you want coverage that is tightly woven and close-fitting.