Though the word cookie can be traced back to Dutch origins (koekje means "little cake"), there's something distinctly American about these treats. Maybe it's because they're basically a blank canvas just waiting for inspiration, or maybe it's because their palm-sized portability makes them the perfect dessert for parties and get-togethers.
Photo: Tim Sackton [CC by SA 2.0]/Flickr
Texas' cowboy cookies
Photo: Virginia Hill [CC by ND 2.0]/Flickr
Legend has it that Former First Lady Laura Bush came up with these chunky cookies during a magazine bake-off for presidential candidates. (She beat out Tipper Gore's ginger snap recipe.) Just like the Lone Star State, these cookies are big and full of flavor; they're stuffed with chocolate chips — natch — but also flake coconut, pecans, rolled oats and, sometimes, corn flakes.
New Orleans' pralines
Photo: Charles Barilleaux [CC by 2.0]/Flickr
While you can find these pecan perfections throughout the Deep South, New Orleans has a love affair like no other with this sugary sweet. French settlers brought their own version of the candy to Louisiana in the 1700s, where the abundance of cane syrup and pecans made it a natural fit. The signature candy was actually one of the earliest street foods in the country, sold by emancipated black women as a way to make a living after the Civil War.
California's fortune cookies
Photo: Ksayer1 [CC by SA 2.0]/Wikimedia Commons
Though they're a delightful crunchy treat after a meal at a Chinese restaurant, fortune cookies aren't actually a product of China at all. Their origin is still hotly disputed — in fact, San Francisco's pseudo-legal Court of Historical Review tried to settle the matter in 1983 — but it's believed they began in Japan as "fortune tea cakes." It wasn't until after Word War II, in the aftermath of Japanese-American internment camps, that the cookies became a signature staple at Chinese restaurants.
Baltimore's Berger Cookies
Photo: Dana Moos [CC by 2.0]/Flickr
In 2013, Smithsonian.com declared the Berger cookie was "Baltimore’s gift to the chocolate world." Indeed, it is almost more frosting than cookie, with a thick layer of dark fudge spread upon a cake-like bottom. The recipe (and namesake) come from a German bakery that opened in East Baltimore in 1835. Charlie DeBaufre, who worked at the bakery for much of his life and became the owner in 1994, says: "Some people say the cookie is just there to hold the chocolate. They eat the chocolate and throw the cookie away."
New York State's rugelach
Photo: Le living and co [CC by 2.0]/Flickr
No matter how you spell it, this Jewish pastry has its roots in Poland and Israel. The crescent-shaped cookies are usually made out of a cream cheese or sour cream dough and served as a treat during Hanukkah. Stuff them with nuts and/or fruit, and don't worry about rolling them perfectly; "Rugelach cookies should look rustic and need not be perfectly uniform," says chef Kate Cavotti, a lecturing instructor at the Culinary Institute of America.