Birds can form complex, multilevel societies, a new study finds, a feat previously known only in humans and certain other big-brained mammals, including some of our fellow primates as well as elephants, dolphins and giraffes.
Vulturine guineafowl may be the first non-mammal species known to create multilevel societies. (Photo: Martin Mecnarowski/Shutterstock)
It's also further evidence that birds — despite their relatively small brains — are much smarter and more sophisticated than we tend to assume.
Leveling up
A group of vulturine guineafowl trots through Tsavo East National Park in Kenya. (Photo: Marius Dobilas/Shutterstock)
The subjects of this study are vulturine guineafowl, a heavy-bodied, ground-feeding species native to scrublands and grasslands in northeast Africa. These birds are an impressive sight, with a vivid blue breast and long, glossy neck feathers leading up to a bare, "vulturine" head with intense red eyes. And now, as researchers report in the journal Current Biology, we know they live in impressive societies, too.
Living in a multilevel society can offer big benefits, with different levels of the society serving specific adaptive purposes that evolved in response to different cost-benefit trade-offs. This includes reproduction and social support at the lowest tier, for instance, as well as perks like cooperative hunting and defense at higher tiers.
Birds of a feather
A social group of vulturine guineafowl may include several breeding pairs along with other birds. (Photo: Martin Mecnarowski/Shutterstock)
In the new study, however, researchers reveal vulturine guineafowl to be a "striking exception," according to a statement from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior. The birds organize themselves into highly cohesive social groups, the study's authors report, but without the "signature intergroup aggression" common among other birds that live in groups. And they achieve this with a relatively small brain, which is reportedly small even by avian standards.
The results showed groups of vulturine guineafowl were associating with each other based on preference, the researchers say, as opposed to random encounters. The study also found that intergroup associations were more likely during specific seasons and around specific locations in the landscape.
Secret society
The discovery of a multilevel society in vulturine guineafowl suggests this form of social organization might be more common than we thought, researchers say. (Photo: Sumeet Moghe [CC BY-SA 4.0]/Wikimedia Commons)
We already know birds aren't as simple as their brain sizes might suggest. Not only do many birds perform impressive cognitive feats — like using or even making tools — that seem too advanced for them, but research suggests many birds have significantly more neurons packed into their brains than do mammalian or even primate brains of the same mass.
And now, according to the authors of the new study, these small-brained birds are challenging what we thought we knew about the evolution of multilevel societies. Not only have vulturine guineafowl achieved a format of social organization once thought to be uniquely human, but their long-overlooked society suggests this kind of phenomenon may be more common in nature than we realized.