The country's civic affairs minister, Li Liguo, wantsanyone naming sites such as bridges, buildings androads to take inspiration from Chinese history,instead of opting for foreign names like "ManhattanPlaza", Beijing News reports.
Existing names which fall foul of the requirements will also be changed, according to the paper.
Mr Li says "cleaning up" place names will "strengthen and standardise cultural protection",and promote China's cultural heritage.
According to the Xinhua news agency, the first places to be renamed will be any that "damagenational dignity" or conflict with core socialist values, as well as those which have attractedthe most public complaints.
Places which promise more than they deliver are also in the government's sights - so anywhereadopting Venice as part of its name will need to have more than just a pond, the agency notes.
Social media users are divided on the issue, with some pointing out that foreign names areoften chosen as a way of celebrating ties with other cities or countries.
There's plenty of support, though, with one person writing: "They really should change, or elsewe'll feel there are no Chinese historical elements!"