Ministers have been accused of "taking writing backto the 19th century" after issuing the restrictive newguidance over what counts as an "exclamation".
"For the purposes of the English grammar, punctuation and spelling test, an exclamation isrequired to start with What or How," the guidance for Key Stage 1 and 2 national curriculumtests states.
Children are expected to be able to recognise and write examples of exclamation sentences,and will not get any credit for using exclamation marks in other ways, examiners have beentold.
The guidance suggests "What a lovely day!" or "How exciting!" as acceptable examples.
"A sentence that ends in an exclamation mark, but which does not have one of thegrammatical patterns shown above, is not considered to be creditworthy as an exclamation(e.g. exclamatory statements, exclamatory imperatives, exclamatory interrogatives orinterjections)," it says.
A source at the Department for Education denied the move was intended to curb theproliferation of the exclamation mark in text messages and social media.
The curriculum also acknowledges that an exclamation mark can be used in other ways suchas to give emphasis to a statement or command. A source said: "We're not telling pupils tonot use exclamation marks. The guidance is on what marks can and can't be awarded inthese tests.”
John Sutherland, emeritus professor of modern English literature at University College London,told the Sunday Times that the guidance was "ridiculous".
"It is nonsense of the highest degree. I am not surprised teachers wearily sigh when theseinstructions come down from Whitehall," he said.
Writing on SchoolsWeek, Ben Fuller, a lead moderator, said the changes "take writing back tothe 19th century".
A Department for Education spokesperson said: "A high-quality education in English – and theability to communicate effectively—is an important part of the government's commitmentto extend opportunity to all."