The Myth of High-Protein Diets
MANY people have been making the case that Americans have grown fat because they eat too much starch and sugar, and not enough meat, fat and eggs. Recently, the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee lifted recommendations that consumption of dietary cholesterol should be restricted, citing research that dietary cholesterol does not have a major effect on blood cholesterol levels. The predictable headlines followed: “Back to Eggs and Bacon?”
很多人都說,美國人變得肥胖是因為他們吃了太多淀粉和糖,而沒有攝入足夠的肉類、脂肪和雞蛋。近日,美國膳食指南咨詢委員會(Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee)取消了“膳食中的膽固醇消耗應該受到限制”的建議。它援引的一項研究認為,飲食中的膽固醇不會對血液中的膽固醇水平產(chǎn)生重大影響。不出所料,一些媒體打出了這樣的大標題:“回歸雞蛋和熏肉?”
But, alas, bacon and egg yolks are not health foods.
Although people have been told for decades to eat less meat and fat, Americans actually consumed 67 percent more added fat, 39 percent more sugar, and 41 percent more meat in 2000 than they had in 1950 and 24.5 percent more calories than they had in 1970, according to the Agriculture Department. Not surprisingly, we are fatter and unhealthier.
The debate is not as simple as low-fat versus low-carb. Research shows that animal protein may significantly increase the risk of premature mortality from all causes, among them cardiovascular disease, cancer and Type 2 diabetes. Heavy consumption of saturated fat and trans fats may double the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
A study published last March found a 75 percent increase in premature deaths from all causes, and a 400 percent increase in deaths from cancer and Type 2 diabetes, among heavy consumers of animal protein under the age of 65 — those who got 20 percent or more of their calories from animal protein.
Low-carb, high-animal-protein diets promote heart disease via mechanisms other than just their effects on cholesterol levels. Arterial blockages may be caused by animal-protein-induced elevations in free fatty acids and insulin levels and decreased production of endothelial progenitor cells (which help keep arteries clean). Egg yolks and red meat appear to significantly increase the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer due to increased production of trimethylamine N-oxide, or TMAO, a metabolite of meat and egg yolks linked to the clogging of arteries. (Egg whites have neither cholesterol nor TMAO.)
低碳水化合物加高動物蛋白的飲食促發(fā)心臟疾病,其方式不僅僅是影響膽固醇水平那樣簡單。在動物蛋白誘導下,游離脂肪酸和胰島素水平升高,內皮祖細胞(有助于保持動脈清潔)的生成減少,從而可能引起動脈堵塞。蛋黃和紅肉似乎明顯增加了冠狀動脈心臟疾病和癌癥的患病風險,因為它增進了三甲胺氧化物 (TMAO)的生成。TMAO是肉和蛋黃的代謝物,與動脈堵塞有關。(蛋清既沒有膽固醇,也不含TMAO)。
Animal protein increases IGF-1, an insulin-like growth hormone, and chronic inflammation, an underlying factor in many chronic diseases. Also, red meat is high in Neu5Gc, a tumor-forming sugar that is linked to chronic inflammation and an increased risk of cancer. A plant-based diet may prolong life by blocking the mTOR protein, which is linked to aging. When fat calories were carefully controlled, patients lost 67 percent more body fat than when carbohydrates were controlled. An optimal diet for preventing disease is a whole-foods, plant-based diet that is naturally low in animal protein, harmful fats and refined carbohydrates. What that means in practice is little or no red meat; mostly vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and soy products in their natural forms; very few simple and refined carbohydrates such as sugar and white flour; and sufficient “good fats” such as fish oil or flax oil, seeds and nuts. A healthful diet should be low in “bad fats,” meaning trans fats, saturated fats and hydrogenated fats. Finally, we need more quality and less quantity.
My colleagues and I at the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute and the University of California, San Francisco, have conducted clinical research proving the many benefits of a whole-foods, plant-based diet on reversing chronic diseases, not just on reducing risk factors such as cholesterol. Our interventions also included stress management techniques, moderate exercise like walking and social support.
我和非營利機構預防醫(yī)學研究院(Preventive Medicine Research Institute)及加州大學舊金山分校(University of California, San Francisco)的同事們進行過臨床研究,證明基于植物的全面膳食在逆轉慢性疾病方面有著眾多好處,而不只是降低膽固醇等風險因素。我們的干預措施還包括壓力管理技巧、散步這樣的適度運動,以及社交支持。
We showed in randomized, controlled trials that these diet and lifestyle changes can reverse the progression of even severe coronary heart disease. Episodes of chest pain decreased by 91 percent after only a few weeks. After five years there were 2.5 times fewer cardiac events. Blood flow to the heart improved by over 300 percent.
Other physicians, including Dr. Kim A. Williams, the president of the American College of Cardiology, are also finding that these diet and lifestyle changes can reduce the need for a lifetime of medications and transform people’s lives. These changes may also slow, stop or even reverse the progression of early-stage prostate cancer, judging from results in a randomized controlled trial.
美國心臟病學會(American College of Cardiology)會長金·A·威廉斯(Kim A. Williams)博士等其他醫(yī)生還發(fā)現(xiàn),改變飲食習慣和生活方式可以減少終生用藥的需要,可以讓人們的生活煥然一新。從隨機對照試驗的結果來看,這些改變還有可能減緩、中止甚至逆轉早期前列腺癌癥的發(fā)展。
These changes may also alter your genes, turning on genes that keep you healthy, and turning off genes that promote disease. They may even lengthen telomeres, the ends of our chromosomes that control aging.
The more people adhered to these recommendations (including reducing the amount of fat and cholesterol they consumed), the more improvement we measured — at any age. But for reversing disease, a whole-foods, plant-based diet seems to be necessary.