Was it a dispute over property? Was it the Edison Chen photo scandal? Did they break under the pressure of their careers?
Rumors that Hong Kong heartthrobs Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse are ending their five-year marriage have worried their fans. Obsession with the relationship has resulted from an accumulation of stories about their picture-perfect love.
The anecdotes were enviable from day one: Tse took Cheung off to the Philippines to propose to her; he delayed filming to spend time with Cheung on her 30th birthday; he showered her with gifts including cars; and she broke into tears of joy when Tse won Best Leading Actor at the Hong Kong Film Awards in April.
The couple have two beautiful sons and have won the hearts of their admirers by publicly parading their seemingly undying love. Paparazzi snaps of the couple have offered fans an idealistic picture of a relationship, which is why there’s so much fuss about the possible split.
According to a poll by ynet.com, over a third of those surveyed hope that the news is false and that the lovable couple are still together.
Fans are probably clinging to news that Tse plans to sue Apple Daily for sparking the divorce speculation. After all, they pray this is a sign that the reports are false.
The interest in Tse and Cheung’s private lives is similar to the constant attention given to Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (aka Brangelina).
News of the couple’s rocky relationship dominates tabloids almost weekly. Jolie is losing weight; it must be because Pitt hates her. Pitt isn’t smiling; the couple must have had a fight and are on the brink of a breakup. Each time there seems to be a different indication that the lovebirds secretly hate each other.
As mere “commoners” with possibly less interesting lives, we love living vicariously through celebrities. It’s as though we forget that Cheung and Tse are mere mortals with real feelings and problems.
The minute the tabloids reveal that stars are not perfect is the same moment our deluded fairytale hopes of a glamorously perfect bubble-life are dashed. That’s why it’s traumatic for many fans to read about their breakup, as if they were personally experiencing the pain themselves.
Perhaps the tabloids understand that, deep down, it’s still somewhat reassuring to read that celebrities’ lives are in a shambles. Maybe we’re comforted to realize that celebrities have problems, just like we do.