The largest unemployment rate for young people — defined as ages 15 to 24 in most countries and 16 to 24 in others — was in Spain, where in the final quarter of last year the unemploymentrate was 39.6 percent, more than double the 19.1 percent of two years earlier. For adults, the rate rose to 16.9 percent from 7.4 percent. Spain, like many European countries, provides protection for those with permanentjobs, a fact that led some employers to expand the use of temporary jobs, which provide fewer benefits. "Most of the job losses were recorded among workers on temporaryjobs, many of whom are youth," the study stated.
The exception to the trend was in Germany, where unemployment among young people actually declined, to 10.3 percent, over the two-year period. The study attributed that in part to "a rather successfulapprenticeship system that ensures a relatively smooth transitionfrom school to work for most youth."