1. Some time ago, a fire broke out in one of the crowded streets of London. It was at a house where a number of families lived. The fire broke out in the night. The fire engine came up at full speed. Water was poured on the blazing fire, and ladders were placed against the windows. The firemen pushed their way through the smoke and flames, and brought the women and children in safety to the street.
2. Then the crowds shouted for joy, as they thought all the people were safe. But it was not so. Two little orphan girls were asleep alone, at the very top of the house, in a small room reached by a ladder from the room below. Nobody thought of them, and they would have been burned to death, if it had not been for their little dog.
3. This dog tried to waken them, but he could not, as the smoke had stupefied [1] them. He ran to the trap-door, and barked loudly. Then he climbed down the ladder, and tried to pull a fireman, whom he saw, to the ladder. The fireman kicked him away, thinking he was mad. The dog then ran to the window, barking loudly. Then he ran to another fireman, jumped on him, ran to the ladder, barking all the time and looking back, begging as well as he could for the fireman to follow him.
4. This fireman thought there must be someone in the little room, as the dog was acting so strangely [2] . So he followed the dog up the ladder, and there saw the two girls fast asleep. He took them up in his arms, came down the ladder, and hurried to the window. Another fireman, who was waiting for him, helped to bring the two girls in safety to the ground.
5. But where was the dog? He was not to be seen. The smoke, and some flames, were pouring out of the window. A brave fireman rushed up the ladder to look for the dog. He found him just inside the window, choked with the smoke, and scorched with the flames. He brought him down with care, but he was dead. He had given his life for his friends, and had been "faithful unto death."
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[1] stupefied: Made senseless.
[2] strangely: In an odd manner.