India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has outlined his controversial plan to make India a cashless society. Indians are already up in arms following his recent and sudden decision to ban the old 500 and 1,000 rupee banknotes. They ceased to be legal tender in India from the 9th of November, although the old 500-rupee note was replaced by an updated version. The government claimed the move was an effort to stop the banknotes being used to fund terrorism, as well as being a crackdown on counterfeit money in India. The ban means 80 per cent of the country's currency has been withdrawn from circulation and business has been brought to a virtual standstill. It is very unpopular among most Indians.
印度總理納倫德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)概述了將印度建成無現(xiàn)金社會的有爭議的計劃。他最近突然宣布廢除老版的500和1000盧比面額的鈔票已經(jīng)引起國民的反對。從11月9日開始,這兩種面額的鈔票將不再是印度的法定貨幣,不過老版500盧比鈔票將被新版代替。政府稱該舉動是為了制止鈔票用于為恐怖主義提供資金,同時打擊假鈔。該禁令意味著印度80%的貨幣退出流通,企業(yè)幾乎進入停滯狀態(tài)。大部分印度人都非常不歡迎該舉措。
Mr Modi went a step further on Sunday when he called for a cashless society. He said in a televised speech: "I want to tell my small merchant brothers and sisters, this is the chance for you to enter the digital world." He added: "Learn the different ways you can use your bank accounts and Internet banking. Learn how to effectively use the apps of various banks on your phones. Learn how to run your business without cash. Learn about card payments and other electronic modes of payment….A cashless economy is secure. It is clean." He addressed India's more tech-savvy people by declaring that: "All the youth of India can do it very quickly, and within a month, the world can see a modern India."