A 90-year-old Kenyan grandmother has become the world's oldest elementary school student. Priscilla Sitienei, also known as Gogo, is from a small village in Kenya. She is studying at the local elementary school to learn to read and write. Ms Sitienei has spent most of her life working as a midwife, helping to deliverbabies. She wants to be able to read and write so she can pass on her midwifery skills and write down the special herbal remedies she uses when she delivers babies. She also wants to be able to read the Bible. Sitienei said she never had a chance to go to school when she was younger. She said she knows she is old buthopes she will set an example to younger people. She wants all the children in her village to study.
When Ms Sitienei first tried to enroll at the school, the head teacher David Kinyanjui did not think it was a good idea. Now he is very happy that Gogo is at the school. Mr Kinyanjui said Gogo is a "blessing and a motivator". He added: "I'm very proud of her. She is loved by every pupil. They all want to learn and play with her." He also said: "She is doing well considering her age. I can say I have seen a big differencein this school since she came." Gogo had a message for children everywhere, saying: "I want to say to the children of the world, especially girls, that education will be your wealth." She added: "With education, you can be whatever you want - a doctor, lawyer or a pilot."