There were very great heaps of red noses, large lips, and rusty teeth.
The truth of it is, I was surprised to see the greatest part of the mountain made up of bodily deformities.
Observing one advancing toward the heap with a larger cargo than ordinary upon his back, I found, upon his near approach, that it was only a natural hump,
which he disposed of with great joy of heart among this collection of human miseries.
There were, likewise, distempers of all sorts, though I could not but observe that there were many more imaginary than real.
One little packet I could not but take notice of, which was a complication of all the diseases incident to human nature, and was in the hand of a great many fine people.
This was called the spleen. But what most of all surprised me was, that there was not a single vice or folly thrown into the whole heap.
at which I was very much astonished, having concluded within myself that everyone would take this opportunity of getting rid of his passions, prejudices, and frailties.