To prevent these accidents, every boiler has a safety-valve, or an opening through which the steam can escape when its pressure begins to get too great. It is only when something goes wrong with the safety-valve thatan explosion occurs.
Steam requires seventeen hundred times more room than the water from which it is formed. One kettle full of water would make enough steam to fill seventeen hundred kettles.
It is heat that makes steam take up so much more room than water. The heat drives the tiny pieces of which water is made further and further away from each other.
This power of steam is a very good thing when it is properly used. It is this pressure that does the work in all steam-engines, and that sets their parts in motion.
The first really good steam-engines were made by James Watt, about a hundred years ago. It was by noticing the steam making the lid of a kettle dance and rattle, that he first began to think of the great power of steam.