and, as the old fable tells us, the clock that has to tick so many millions of times, has exactly the same number of seconds to do it in.
So will you find that you can move about on each separate occasion, as you wish,
and practice will enable you to do it without any trouble or thought.
“But this is not all, nor half what I mean,” said Hugh.
No, my dear, nor half what you will have to bear.
You resolved to bear it all patiently, I remember. But what is it you dread the most?
Oh! all manner of things. I can never do like other people. “Some things,” replied his mother.
You can never play CRIcket, as every Crofton boy would like to do. You can never dance at your sister’s Christmas parties.
“O mamma!” CRIed Agnes, with tears in her eyes, and with the thought in her mind that it was cruel to talk so.
“哦,媽媽!” 艾格尼絲叫了起來,眼里滿是淚水,心里想這樣談話對弟弟來說,實在太殘忍。
“Go on! Go on!” CRIed Hugh, brightening.
You know what I feel, mother; and you don’t keep telling me, as others do, and even sister Agnes, sometimes,
that it will not signify much, and that I shall not care, and all that;
making out that it is no misfortune, hardly, when I know what it is, and they don’t. Now, then, go on, mother! What else?
There will be little checks and mortifications continually,
when you see little boys leaping over this, and climbing that, and playing at the other, while you must stand out, and can only look on.