The death toll would have been much higher but for the extreme remoteness of the location. 幸虧這兒極為偏遠(yuǎn) 否則造成的傷亡更大
You see all the terrain along the coastline there.It's tough-going. 你們看看海岸線四周的地形 路很難走啊
But I reckon with all of these sort of resources around here, 但我想利用這周邊所有 這類廢棄物
better off making some sort of raft and then getting out onto the water itself.Okay. 說不定能做個筏 然后把它推下水 好了
You should be able to cover more distance and have a better chance of being spotted on the sea. 這樣子就可以走得更遠(yuǎn) 而且在海面上更可能被人發(fā)現(xiàn)
But out there, you'll need a sturdy raft.Old beds.Actually, that'll be quite good to lie on for a raft. 但要離開這里 就需要一個堅固的筏 舊床板 這東西 用來做筏挺好的
All sorts of these old barrels. Look.And these are so buoyant, these things. 所有這種舊油桶 看看 這些東西的浮力很大
You want to check they've got both the... both the bungs in and also that they've not got any holes. 你得檢查檢查 保證所有塞子都塞住了 沒有任何漏水孔
Otherwise, look like that fella.An airtight oil drum will easily support my weight. 不然就慘了 瞧這玩意兒夠堅固的 一個密封的油桶很容易就能承載我的重量
And with a few, I have the beginnings of a substantial raft. 有這幾個 初步的堅固筏就成形了
It's all this work making sure you build a raft close enough to where you're gonna launch it. 這些工作都是為了 保證這筏離入水的地方夠近
The last thing you want to do is build a thing, especially when it's out of metal,and then not be able to drag it down there. 最不想看到的一件事 就是造好這個金屬筏之后 卻沒有辦法把它弄到岸邊
See the tide's coming in here, so it's probably about right. 正好在漲潮 現(xiàn)在時機正合適
I want to get this raft built quickly so I'm ready to launch when the tide turns. 我得快點把筏做好 等著開始退潮時我就下水
What I want to do is use the barrels to give me all the buoyancy so that keep this up out of the water. 我要做的就是 利用這些桶的浮力 讓這個床板離開水面