I followed the single one at full speed, but, in spite of the efforts of my horse, she got so much ahead of me, that, in turning a little hill, I lost sight of her altogether, and I gave up the pursuit.
My dogs, however, were not so easily exhausted.
They were soon so close upon her that she was obliged to stop and defend herself.
From the noise they made, I conjectured that they had got the animal into a corner, and I again pushed forward.
I had scarcely got round the hill, when I perceived her surrounded by the dogs, and endeavoring to drive them away by heavy kicks.
In a moment I was on my feet, and a shot from my carbine brought her to the earth.
I was delighted with my victory, which enabled me to add to the riches of natural history.
I was now able, also, to destroy the romance which attached to this animal, and to establish the truth of its existence.