accept sadness
Everything in life has its two sides: day and night,young and old,good and bad,and happy and sad.If we did not know sadness,we could not know happiness.Most people,including myself, try to avoid felling down or depressed .Too often,if we are feeling sad or depressed,we think we have to do whatever to stop being sad of upset and make ourselves feel better.What I have learned ,however,is that resisting negative feelings only makes it worse.The best thing to do when we get sad is to accept it .Use it as a time to be by yourself and listen to music or reflect and write in your diary.There are good things about feeling sad and upset. It can be a time filled with insight and answers to questions like:
What is important to me?
What does it mean to love myself?
What do i need?
You will find that the answers to these questions are very clear to you when you are hurting.It is in these moments that you can learn what it is to love yourself and to be your own best friend.
If depression lasts longer than one or two weeks ,and other symptoms,such as an inability to sleep at night ,sleeping a lot during the day, change in appetite,or a feeling of being disconnected ,etc.are present,then you should tell your parents and possibly see a doctor. Do not hesitate to reach out for help. As is true with any illness. it requires the aid of a medical expert.