However, from this point we diverge . In the European dining style, the fork stays in your left hand and you place the food in your mouth with the tines facing down . In the American style, after you cut your food, you place your knife on the upper edge of the plate . Next, you transfer the fork to your right hand with the tines of your fork facing up . At the same time, your left hand goes on your lap .
What is proper when taking a break from eating is also quite different. In the American style, you put both hands below the table on your lap, while in Europe it is proper to keep your hands above the table. In both styles, it is improper to place your elbows on the table.
Having practiced both styles, I personally find the European style more efficient. Switching the fork back and forth can be time-consuming. And trying to get that last pea on your fork without the aide of the knife is next to impossible. Which style do your prefer?