各得其所 A place for everything, and everything in its place. eg:John won the prize and Tom got the sch... [查看全文]
格格不入 Not talk the same language. Go against the grain with one. Out of keeping with. A square pe... [查看全文]
高枕無憂 A good conscience is a soft pillow. A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. eg:He relaxed as a... [查看全文]
高談闊論 To enlarge oneself. To prate about. eg:He loves to enlarge himself in talking about politics. ... [查看全文]
高視闊步 Prance (swagger) about. Give oneself airs. Independent as a hog on ice. Walk with one's n... [查看全文]
高不可攀 At the top of the ladder. High up in the stirrups. Could not be had. eg:The boss is at t... [查看全文]
剛愎自用 As tough as nails. Reckon without one's host. To be a law unto oneself. eg:Our boss is... [查看全文]
感人肺腑 Come home to one' s heart. Tug at one's heart strings. eg:The story came home to the... [查看全文]
甘之如飴 With relish. Lick one's chops. eg:Tom tasted the dish and smacked his lips, saying: " Yumm... [查看全文]
甘拜下風 Lower one's flag. Play second fiddle. Take a back seat. To sit at a person's feet. ... [查看全文]