In recent box office hit Love on the Cloud, Hong Kong star Angelababy goes on a blind date with someone she m... [查看全文]
Clint Eastwood 克林特-伊斯特伍德Well, there is just some DNA that seems hardier (and prettier) than others, and we... [查看全文]
Pierce Brosnan 皮爾斯·布魯斯南Sean Brosnan lost his mom, Cassandra Harris, when he was only 8-years-old. But lucki... [查看全文]
It’s always a little bit sad when Hollywood Hunks age and become puffy and less attractive. Remember when ... [查看全文]
"The Walking Dead's" Norman Reedus and Emily Kinney are reportedly seeing each other. See? Zombies don't j... [查看全文]
"American Horror Story" is returning in the fall with its fifth season, subtitled "Hotel." If you were a fan of... [查看全文]
小編按:休叔做客艾倫秀!其實(shí)風(fēng)靡全球的美劇《豪斯醫(yī)生》主角是英國人真的是破天荒了,看遍好萊塢大片和多數(shù)美劇,腐國演員多半都是魅力配... [查看全文]
時(shí)尚女王貝嫂最近又要捐衣服做慈善了,這次她捐的衣服不是自己的,而是七公主噠!萌萌噠貝小七雖然不到4歲,但換裝率卻高頻爆棚,而且還... [查看全文]
Benedict Cumberbatch本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇別看本尼如今是名聲大噪了:《神探夏洛克》讓他一炮而紅,《星際迷航》中的大反派以及《霍比特... [查看全文]
Just a few short years ago, unknown British actress Emilia Clarke had just two filming credits on her rés... [查看全文]